Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fall Harvest :: Beekman Blaak

To begin our fall harvest dinner, we served Beekman 1802 Farm’s Blaak cheese. This beautiful wheel is made from a mixture of goat and cow’s milk (Beekman’s own) and is aged for four months. While aging it is coated with ash at every turning. This oh so attractive ash coating calms the acidity of the cheese, is a catalyst for ripening, and forms it’s edible rind.

All Photos + Styling by Karen Mordechai
Cheese Platter by MUD Australia, available at Global Table and Moonriver Chatel in NY


  1. Your blog is GORGEOUS! Thanks so much for inlcuding Beekman 1802 Blaak as part of the meal. Maybe next time we can get an invite, huh? We'll bring the cheese!!

  2. That cheese looks divine. I have been following ya'll for awhile, and your work is impeccable. Were I ever to go to NYC one of your Sunday Supper classes would top my list of things to do!

  3. I love Beekman 1802 how gorgeous is the Blaak cheese!! i love how they made it! i love everything about the beekman house!! so glad to see it here!

  4. i love the mud australia platter and bowls!
